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Energies Immersion Day 2013


The Gallery invites all Year 11 and 12 Gold Coast high school students selected for this exhibition to attend a special Art Immersion Day.


A day to immerse in:
  • art making workshops led by professional artists Judy Anderson, Rebecca Ross and Carly Scoufos 

  • thinking about different career pathways into creative industries 

  • further educational options in the visual arts 

  • meeting other art students from across the Coast


I was very nervous to go to this Immersion Day, mostly because I was by myself and I would be out of my comfort zone. However, this day proved to be a great day full of activities, where I met so many new people and artists. I met Judy Anderson, Rebecca Ross and Carly Scoufos. I found all of the artists so intriguing and they were all so different to one another. I was most fascinated by Carly Scoufos and her installations. After being involved in an activity where we worke with wire, we all came to deeply appreciate how much time and effort that went into Carly's installations. At the end of the day I was completely exhausted, where I had used up all of my creative juices, but I knew that I had learnt new skills and techniques within the process of art making.



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